I4E OS Training Materials

Deliverable 4.3

Open Science is an approach to the scientific process that focuses on making knowledge openly available for all. The benefits for universities and other research organisations, and for the whole society, are for example that it reduces duplication in collecting, creating and transferring scientific material and increases productivity. It is also seen, that open science results in great innovation potential, promotes citizens’ trust in science, and leads also to citizens‘ active participation in scientific experiments and data collection.
In INVEST Alliance the advantages of Open Science practices are fundamental in promoting effective research and strong regional stakeholder cooperation and are in accordance with the joint RD&I strategy of the INVEST Alliance. It is of high importance of the INVEST Alliance to spread the scientific information, innovations and data collected for the whole academic society and stakeholders to best benefit development, efforts for sustainability and research co-operation in Europe and globally.
Mainstreaming Open Science practices is crucial in gaining all expected potential benefits. I4E project has produced joint Open Science training material to mainstream open science practices in INVEST Alliance universities and stakeholders, and furthermore to provide it for the use of the others. Course design is critical to online engagement and retention. In addition to the content itself, emphasis was paid on online course design to make the material suitable for versatile learners.
This Training material is an introductory course including five basic modules to Open Science:
1) Introduction, 2) Open Access, 3) Data Sharing and Re-use, 4) Open Science Reproducibility, 5) Open Science Ethics.

The material shall be continuously complemented according to the future needs of Alliance to serve both academia but also the wide range of stakeholders.